Get the creative community to take notice of my talents.
So in 2008 I turned actress Megan Fox into Wonder Woman.

Rather than just release a fan poster I chose to make it a stunt to get more interest.
I did this by creating a teaser website unveiling the poster in stages with Hillary/Obama elections era kind of language.
Results were incredible with half a million hits in one week crashing the website on the first two days

“…Wonder Woman is a lame superhero. She flies around in her invisible jet and her weaponry is a lasso that makes you tell the truth…Somebody has a big challenge on their hands whoever takes that role…” — Megan Fox
“While the idea of Megan Fox starring as Wonder Woman is an
intriguing idea worthy of debate, it's not happening. The rumors
started last week when a site popped up online .”
“…fueled by a surprisingly professional looking website…
Megan Fox is the perfect Wonder Woman.”
“It may be Wonder Woman and Superman, but it's fan boys and
girls who dictate the decisions of studio execs.”
“The site is very well done, with obvious but accomplished
Photoshop work on the Fox photo.”
“…a convincing poster campaign which features Fox
as the lycra-clad super-heroine.”